LIV (lighting)

ProjectLIVLocationLas Vegas, United StatesArchitectRockwell Design Group Lighting DesignerSJ LightingInstallerSJ LightingSubmitted bySJ Lighting

LIV nightclub in Las Vegas is a project that commanded the highest levels of coordination. The consulting teams involved spent countless hours “massaging” this project to be a cornerstone of Las Vegas nightlife. Timelines for delivery and installation are an overwhelming challenge that must be dealt with on a daily basis… the ability to balance all the different trades in a tight workspace takes a lot of care and consideration. We rely on each other to meet the expectations of the client.. and our own goals that we set for ourselves. I am extremely proud of our team and our associated firms that we worked with on this project.

LIV nightclub lighting system has a balanced list of equipment that give the operator a full set of tools at their disposal.

The system is designed to accommodate all musical genres whether pre-programmed or set for busking.

The layered fixtures from the high ceiling to the bottom of the mezzanine ceiling give the room the ability to expand and contract visually – allowing the room to “breath”.

The venue’s equipment list is as follows:
44 Ayrton Diablo
8 Ayrton Levante
8 Soled Strobes
24 KNV Line
48 Magic Dots
3 Beam Brush 10
4 Beam Brush 6.8
1 GrandMA3 Lite

Fontainebleu and LIV nightclub afforded our firm the latitude to specify the most appropriate equipment and set them up for success.

The video system is custom built and provided by NanoLumens. There are 6 fully articulating video panels in the ceiling that move on 4 points each. There are 2 elliptical rings that have a video border on the inside and outside of each.. these rings also fully articulate. The soffit edge of the club facing the dancefloor has a video border. The back wall behind the main bar has video screen.

The video surfaces throughout are carefully laid into the interior design to create a cohesive look to the venue. Triggered by a Hippo Video server.. the video system is able to accommodate visiting artist and also gives the inhouse operators unfettered control and access to all imaginable features.

All theatrical structure in the design was fabricated and installed by SGPS Las Vegas. Additionally, they provided the Raynok automation system. The system fully articulates at variable speeds.

LIV is an extremely well balanced venue… it is not just about the AV technology.. what makes LIV special is that the symbiotic relationship between the architecture, interior design, AV system.. and the operations team that runs the club… all flow together.. like a well oiled-machine. The ultimate goal when building a project like LIV is that the experience is paramount… the experience of the customer… the experience of the performing artists… the experience of the staff… this is the “magic sauce”… and this is why LIV has reached a pinnacle.. and why I feel that LIV should be recognized as a landmark project that sets a standard.