Matches Sports Bar

ProjectMatches Sports BarLocationAshfordManufacturersPowersoftInstallerMADESubmitted byPowersoft

Powersoft’s Dynamic Music Distribution (DMD) solution is at the heart of the versatile, user-friendly and cost-effective audio system providing the soundtrack to Kent’s newest sports and entertainment destination.

With Dynamic Music Distribution, Powersoft offers SIs the ability to scale inputs and zones conveniently and efficiently with dynamic routing capabilities embedded on its amplifier platforms. This makes it simple to dynamically route music and other signal sources along with control signals between different zones and across multiple amplifiers – all independently of source location and without the need for a centralised DSP.
Two Mezzo 604 ADs – Powersoft’s four-channel, 600W compact amplifier – are powering the entirety of the 250-capacity Matches Sports Bar, Grill & Social, forming the core of a unique hospitality venue incorporating multiple distinct audio zones and spaces.

Tucked away behind the counter, a single 4.3” wall-mounted Powersoft WM Touch screen, gives complete control of the entire DMD system, including Mezzo’s embedded dynamic routing capabilities.

With a single four-channel Mezzo amplifier now able to drive up to four independent zones of audio, thanks to Powersoft’s new ArmoníaPlus 2.2 software release, the DMD ecosystem was the natural choice to bring to life Shephard’s vision for the venue, with a “tailored sound experience in each individual area”, he explains: “For example, we have three semi-private self-pour beer areas. In those areas, whilst customers want to be able to hear the experience, the volume still allows them to have a conversation with others across the table. We also have other semi-private areas, such as the snug area and in the private room, where customers are all-encapsulated in high-quality, 3D surround sound.

In the main bar area, the client wanted a system where customers could really feel like they are in the stadium watching the match live. However, once that match is finished and the TV’s sound is turned off, the client wanted to get the music pumping – to turn it up loud and have no loss in quality with regards to the audio.
Another challenge faced on this project was keeping everything nice and tight with a small-rack install. Because the Mezzos are so small in the rack, we were able to fit three satellite boxes, and an AUX input, so we could come in and throw [sound] around in different zones and make it easy for the client to use.
DMD (Dynamic Music Distribution) was key in achieving this as it provides a really cost-effective and stylish way of routing audio around venues like this. Small amounts of power had to go to smaller zones, like the toilets or corridors, and a large amount of power to provide high-quality, pumping audio to get the atmosphere going in the bar area. This is where the Mezzo amplifier running the Dynamic Music Distribution system really shines.

It’s a perfect example of how audio solutions – in this case DMD – can deliver bespoke audio ‘zones’ within one venue. All zones can be tailored and easily modified by the client so the customer can enjoy a seamless audio experience whether they are in the relaxed ‘snug’ area, a private chillout room, or the stadium-like sports bar.