Central Hall Westminster

ProjectCentral Hall WestminsterLocationLondon, UKManufacturersd&b solutionsInstallerd&b solutions UK Limited

The iconic Central Hall Westminster (CHW) is the largest conference and events venue in Central London, showcasing beautiful architecture and historic grandeur. First inaugurated as a public meeting space for the Methodist Church in 1912, this Grade II listed building offers 23 rooms and impressively sized spaces capable of housing over 2,000 guests.

Hosting more than 800 events a year, all profits go towards enhancing the building and raising money for charitable works globally, therefore its ability to deliver successful events is imperative.

Regarded as an engineering marvel in its time, its unique circular structure is reflected most spectacularly in their flagship room, The Great Hall, which features Europe’s largest self-supporting domed ceiling. As their principal space, it caters for live concerts, ceremonies, television recordings and conferences.

Although equipped with an existing system that has encountered progressive improvements over the years, a full upgrade was required to maintain its sound quality and technical capabilities, thereby remaining at the forefront of contemporary London facilities. A fast, versatile and efficient state-of-the-art audio solution was essential in enabling the Great Hall to continue providing the perfect platform for grand occasions.

For clear and consistent coverage across the space, the audio integration was based entirely on d&b audiotechnik products, using a range of loudspeaker technologies to achieve the desired goal, including XSL cardioid line arrays, high-performance point sources, ultra-compact point sources and KSL cardioid subwoofers. The main central speaker hang comprises five XSLi8 and two XSLi12 line array loudspeaker modules, specifically designed for small to medium-scale sound reinforcement.

KSL cardioid subwoofers were utilised to ensure clarity of sound, avoid sound reflections and reduce unnecessary energy from entering the space. To provide close proximity coverage for the centre and side balconies, V7P Point-source products were suspended from new ceiling points.

Brackets and motors were also replaced on the rigging system, dramatically decreasing setup time and condensing what would have previously taken several hours of event preparation, down to 20 minutes. Furthermore, 4 km of cable and defunct equipment were removed, resulting in equipment that is less visible and blends more discreetly with the architecture.

As the building was first designed as a grand meeting space with acoustics tuned for unamplified sound, the venue was heavily impacted by a variety of modern-day challenges, further exacerbated by a series of structural factors including hard surfaces, balconies and overhangs.

Safely drilling into the self-supporting domed ceiling for the suspension of large format speakers was previously not possible, due to the positioning of pretensioned reinforcing rods supporting the whole structure that ensured that these could not be affected by any modifications.

Having consulted original blueprints held in the Hall’s archive and an article from the Concrete Digest from the 1910s, d&b solutions overlaid these documents onto custom plans to engineer a solution. Also dominating the space and affecting the acoustics, is an organ standing proudly in the centre of the Great Hall, which completely alters any sound waves hitting the instrument.

Using a cardioid speaker system helped to significantly reduce any additional energy from being channelled into the acoustically problematic space and was hugely beneficial in preventing sound from hitting the organ, whilst minimising sibilance in the process.

Due to the building’s listed status, all planned works needed to undergo a rigorous approval process ahead of the integration, therefore a creative solution was needed to work around the restrictions in place.

To protect the architecture, careful considerations needed to be made regarding the strategic placement of cabling and AV hardware, thus forming a key part of the planning process and delivery stages. By extension, the Hall’s unique and fragile architectural details needed to be considerately protected and safeguarded during the entire installation.

The interior aesthetics was also a crucial factor in product choices as all integrated kit and hardware needed to be discreet and understated, in order to cohesively blend with the interior surroundings and preserve the integrity of the building’s history.

Consequently, all visible technology, infrastructure and cabling needed to align as closely as possible with the existing fixtures and fittings and be carefully disguised to maintain the authentic look of the environment and complement this heritage building.

This complex project demanded the implementation of an audio system that would cater for modern day needs, whilst negotiating the practical installation in an iconic, heritage setting. Having initially forged a partnership with CHW in 2015, d&b solutions’ strong relationship with the venue not only facilitated a familiarity with the site’s specific demands and nuances, but also forged a united passion towards crafting an exceptional entertainment experience for clients and audiences alike. This reinforced the team’s ability to provide an innovative design that was tailored to the hall’s function, whilst being sympathetic to the architectural intricacies.

As a certified B Corporation, d&b solutions’ commitment to responsible practices synonymously aligned with CHW’s sustainability vision and the team prioritised how the permanent solution could fulfil all requirements in reducing the carbon footprint generated by truck and crew transport per event.

The team at d&b solutions were also able to recommend the best equipment ideally suited for the specific challenges faced, providing fixed solutions of a high standard, whilst removing the need for extra products. The installation works were conducted in an environmentally conscious manner and as a permanent installation, the legacy of the project is sustainable and greatly futureproofed.

The success of this collaborative and united endeavour is a highly flexible system that provides a more immersive listening experience and allows every audience member to benefit from superior sound quality. The audio is perfectly sculpted to fit this one-of-a-kind space, providing a rich experience where the architectural charm and historical detail can continue to radiate without compromise.

The visual benefits of the integration have provided an overwhelming transformation, as previously noticeable intrusive wires are now cleverly camouflaged and made invisible, setting a harmonious backdrop for the vibrant and varied musical events being hosted within. Guests, particularly those who have visited previously, can truly feel the changes both acoustically and aesthetically.

The client is equally as delighted, commenting that “we wanted a space where there was no bad seat in the house, and we’ve definitely achieved this, with brilliant, reliable sound all throughout the hall”.